What is training? How many classes are there?? How long will it take?
The training consists of five steps, a week break between them, plus daily individual work on weekdays. Each step takes Saturday + Sunday.
When will the training start??
The training will begin as soon as the group is complete. All registered and left contacts will be notified in advance. Cm. also section «Schedule». In Kyiv in the middle of every odd month of the year (January, March, May, July, September, November) The planned big training begins, During breaks there are also unscheduled trainings. In other regions — cm. «Schedule», or contact representatives. Individual and mini-group trainings are held according to a separately agreed schedule.
Who conducts the training?
The training is conducted by trainers :) — famous masters of communication and seduction. The support team helps them. See section «Our team» for more details.
Will there be practice?, which?
The practical part is given enough time for a complete and comprehensive perception of the experience, Moreover, the practical part of the project participants will be carried out mainly with unfamiliar girls/women.
Will there be lunch breaks??
Yes. There will be lunch breaks, as a rule, combined with daily practice of field assignments in a form convenient for students.
Where will the training take place??
The training will take place in a convenient classroom. In the central part of the city. Depending on the number of participants, the specific location may vary, therefore, all participants will be notified in advance of the location of the training location.
What will the trainers do to achieve the training result??
Coaching tasks are:
- clear and accessible presentation of the theoretical part;
- motivating students to achieve high results;
- explanations of practical exercises and participation in them;
- feedback while practicing skills and performing practical tasks;
- creating maximum comfort for training participants;
- accompanying students on field assignments and practical demonstration of techniques for effective communication with women;
- consulting participants on any issues that arise, as during the entire duration of the training, and after its completion.
How does SUMO training differ from other pickup trainings??
Here is a partial list of training differences «One Hundred Percent Universal Method of Seduction» from ALL other similar trainings:
- Absolutely all SUMO graduates are satisfied with the results obtained during the training (and you can easily verify this!). This is where we are unique, believe and check.
- ONLY OUR team of trainers includes the most successful and famous trainers and seducers of Ukraine and Russia! All trainers of other Kyiv and Ukrainian seduction projects — these are our former students, and, as a rule, they are far from the most talented, but those who simply decided to earn extra money. Their level, at best, corresponds to SUMO supporter. By coming to SUMO, you will certainly achieve at least the level of seduction of trainers of other projects ;).
- Post-training support and development. Besides, that the SUMO training itself was created according to a unique «recoilless» a system that guarantees that after training your level will continue to grow, there is a whole system of free post-training support for SUMO: meetings, consultations, field accelerations, etc.. Besides, our graduates, if desired, become members of a closed club of Ukrainian seducers «Useduction», and have a lot of extras. opportunities to develop comprehensively and continuously (parties, annealing, support on many issues, etc.). Neither foreign visitors, Moreover, the proliferating projects of our students will certainly not be able to offer anything like this (the result is usually disastrous: even if the training itself was a success, most people change only during the training). .
- Only one «Voice and body block» worth it, to take this training. This block is always led by its author — SUMO head coach, and our students, aware of the incredible effectiveness of this Block, trying to copy him. But they always have it greatly reduced and ineffective, because a number of nuances of its teaching are inaccessible to them.
- Team. Except two (three, four) highly qualified trainers, some (order 15-25) excellent support staff constantly and daily help students with any questions, problems and just a boost of mood, emotions and positivity. No matter what they say on other projects, they don’t have even a tenth of such a team.
- Profile blocks are conducted by professionals. The voice and body block is led by its author Andrey Driud, his mastery of voice and the success of his students in this are legendary; The style guide is led by a number of professional stylists, among whom are heads of image agencies, image consulting for VIPs, etc.; In addition, recently a nutritionist has been leading the proper nutrition block, and the sex safety block — venereologist-dermatologist; etc. Our former students and visiting foreigners cannot provide anything like this.
- SUMO — the only training in Ukraine, passing regularly (at least once every 2 already a month 4,5 year, lately more often). Trainings, announced in the schedule, never go anywhere and always exceed the expectations of the participants. In addition, our training is constantly evolving., and others are just trying to copy it, what did you see.
What is the training program?
The training program is built on the principle «from general to details». It means, that you will start seducing women almost immediately, and as the training progresses, you will study various details and aspects of the different stages of seduction, emphasizing that, where you will have difficulties.
Who are the Seducers? This is true, that their seduction ends with the presentation of a Certificate?
Seducers — these are the best graduates of the SUMO project. These are people, for whom seduction — it's something that goes without saying. They often ask coaches about, how to get rid of a random girl in love, so as not to injure her. Yes, This is true — their seduction sometimes ends with the presentation of a Seducer Certificate.
Who are supporters??
Supporters — these are magnificent seducers, which, along with the coaches, help training participants. If the personal attention of trainers may not be enough for all group members, it supports training, as a rule, almost as many as students, and in fact 100% the solution to any problem can be guaranteed. Support — these are the best of the best graduates of previous SUMO streams.
What if I don't succeed??
This is basically impossible, how the training program is designed for people who have no experience in seduction. Also, if any difficulties arise, experienced support and coaches will always come to the rescue. People have repeatedly come to us with words «I really want to see you, but I warn you right away: nothing will work out with me! I'm absolutely a dead end...» By the end of the training, all of them did not believe their results., and then brought acquaintances/friends. If you really think, that you too «finished case» — please contact, we will introduce you to them ;).
How much will my usual pace of life change during the training??
It will change a lot. For example, you will need to sacrifice such important things as TV and computer games.
What can you learn during the training??
You will learn to communicate freely and get acquainted with new people, Like women, Seduce women quickly and effectively. And also: Always control the situation, See games, which people play, catch the envious glances of others and much more. For example, you will enjoy life. Always.
I have no problems with girls at all. Why do I need this?
This is awesome :). During the training you will learn the art of communication which will help you in visioning your business and in everyday contacts.. You will also improve your posture., gait, your voice will become more pleasant. Many guys, for whom everything was really great with the girls and yet they completed our training, and everything got even better, and not only with girls. As one of them said, “I have gathered this experience in drop all my life, And then it was as if drank a miracle cochet!»