In recent years, SUMO coaches, for a variety of reasons, have practically stopped agreeing to numerous media invitations. Main reason — journalists always want «fried meat», and display highly distorted information on the pages of newspapers/magazines or on TV screens. Almost always they much prefer to twist everything and present us as «scumbag, fucking and immediately leaving women», how to really convey to the viewer/reader those deep and difficult thoughts, which we try to convey.
Below — materials from those times, when we still agreed to interact with the media. Apart from the countless mentions of us in the electronic media.
Andrey Koval talks about SUMO (2012 year)
In addition to the above, there were at least two dozen programs and articles about us on various central channels of Ukrainian TV and in newspapers/magazines. 26.09.2006 our training was in the news on New Channel. Honestly, they didn’t show the coolest episodes as luck would have it, but they showed all sorts of nonsense. Well, it's still nice.
Same day newspaper «Today» published an article in A3 format based on the results.. five-minute (!!!) talking to a Druid ON THE PHONE ! They wrote the rarest nonsense there, and a lot of it with direct speech on behalf of Andrey.
29.09.06 material about us was published in the newspaper BLIK. The article is more interesting than the previous one, although there are also a number of inaccuracies.
12.10.06 she wrote about us again «Today», this time the article is more or less adequate, albeit less than that time ( incomplete A3 )
15.10.06 We were interviewed by a newspaper «Evening Kyiv», big article came out 11 November.
13.06.2007 a magazine wrote about us «Poster»
22.10.2006 we were filmed for the NTN channel (wanted to remove 15.10, but political events on the Maidan prevented). 23.10 we were featured in NTN news